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Notary Rotary

Notary Profile
 La Fleur - Denise   -   CLUTE, TX

 Exquisite Concepts Mobile Notary (ECMNS) and Consulting Services prides itself on a service that offers all types of notarial acts performed with the latest technology and equipment allowing the best Notary services possible.

I provide end-to-end notarial acts to meet the individual’s objectives by giving the best possible service with affordable fees, title/attorney office access, and convenient cash-out locations.

I have completed numerous various types of loan closings with various companies.

As an experienced Notary Public, companies and people are pleased with my capabilities in technology which include onsite document scanning services to receive their documents and process them in a timely fashion along with emailing and document package delivery tracking status by email.

If you have a document that needs to be notarized, as a Texas Commissioned Online Notary, I can assist you online. Notarizations provided by Texas Online Notaries are valid in all 50 states.

I have over 24 years of experience with all types of notarial acts performed, am Health Insurance Portability Accountability Acts (HIPAA) certified to handle medical documents and subpoenas.

We specialize  Witness Subpoenas, Records Subpoenas and are available to pick up Court documents for request of document pickups.

I am a member of the Notary Rotary, Notary Cafe, National Notary Association (NNA), and Notary2Pro certified.

I would like the opportunity to service all your future objectives and provide information on how our services may be of help in obtaining your overall goals.

Will meet at a location that's convenient.

Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm

Saturday 9 am - 2 pm

Service TEXAS statewide and the immediate following counties: Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Matagorda, & Wharton

OFFICE: 832-464-4316
FAX/VOICE: 515-724-6558
Accept PayPal (USE E-MAIL: ECJR-NS@LIVE.COM) and all major credit cards.




  View Original  This profile was last updated on 3/3/2025.

Phone NumbersInternet Addresses
Preferred Phone:832.549.6686
Notary Fax:515.724.6558

Available upon request

Notary Details
Has Laser Printer:Yes
Home Inspections:Yes

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